Dr. Seuss
Giggle Giggle
We recorded this video on our camera a couple of days ago. Bella is giggling all the time now! I couldn't figure out how to rotate the video so it's on it's side, but you can still see Isabella and hear her giggle! Sorry about the background noise, but we were listening to a sermon on the computer at the same time, and I forgot to turn it off. After I recorded this video, we turned the computer off and tried to get her to giggle again (without the noise) but she was done giggling, so this is the best one we got! Adam is playing with her to get her to giggle!
Pictures Galore!!
Even though I cut off Adam's head, I still think this is a great picture.
Just this week Bella is starting to reach out and grab onto things around her. Here she is playing with one of her favorite toys to grab onto!
While mom was at work, dad and Bella had fun playing with some toys!! (I think dad might have had more fun than Bella!)
What a face, I don't think she really likes her jumper yet!
Bella's smiling and giggling for the camera on New Year's eve!
Here's our smiley girl!! :)
This is a cute dress that we got from a friend, she wore it to church on Sunday!
Mom and Bella playing on the floor.
Here's Bella and Grandma Peggy! Just hanging out after a nap.
This time Grandma Kathy's got Bella and cousin Oliver too , so cute!
Daddy's kissing Bella by the Christmas tree.
Nap time for daddy and Bella!!