Well...it's been quite a while since I've found the time to do this. So, that means that there's lots of pictures to see! Bella is just over 5 months now, I can't believe that it's been that long already. It has all gone by so quickly! She continues to be cuter than ever, and is a pretty happy baby. She loves being on her tummy for 'tummy time' and she rolls all the time on her own now too! I think I'm going to have to 'baby proof' our house soon; she's not crawling yet, but she rolls and scoots herself around. Just this morning I went to check on her while I was getting ready and she had her diapers all over the floor and she was eating one of them! :) This past week Bella had a goofy sleep schedule. She would roll herself onto her tummy at about 2 in the morning and not be able to get back, so she would just whine until I went to get her, feed her and put her back to sleep. Luckily that only lasted about 3 nights and now she is used to sleeping on her tummy and I think she prefers it, right when we lay her down she rolls over now! She is starting to squeal and she LOVES to sing with Mom and Dad at church and when there's music on. Anytime there is loud music Bella will start to yell and kick her legs around, it's really cute!
Adam and I are in the process of applying for a staff position with Campus Crusade for Christ. We were offered and internship, but through talking with the staff people they recommened that we look into just coming on staff. So, we have been doing that. The position would be based in the Twin Cities and we would work at the regional office planning all the conferences for the Midwest Region. We thought that this would be a great opportunity for us to work and do ministry together. We are going to go to the Cities on March 11th and meet the team to see if the position would be something that we would enjoy and also if we would be a good addition to the team that they have already created. We will keep everyone posted as to what is going on and any new news we get!
Okay, here are lots of pictures from the last few weeks!
Bella playing in her exersaucer (she looks mischievous).
Here's little Eli! So handsome!
After a long day, she is out cold in her car seat.
Bella got a bunch of new books and stuffed animals from Grandma Kathy. She loves them!
Here we are reading 'Horton Hatches the Egg' (one of mommy's favorites).
She loves playing on the floor naked after bath time. So, here's a naked baby picture! :)
Just chillin' on the couch with her toys!
Here she is playing on the floor again! What a happy girl!