I think I've said this before too, but Adam will be teaching PE at a school in the area starting this year. It will be a perfect fit for him. Sometime this week we are going to go into the school and start to get his office ready. I get to help him decorate and make it look nice, so that will be fun! I suggested painting the walls pink, but I don't think that will happen!! :)
And the last thing that has happened is Ihave finally decided that I will for sure be watching some other children in the fall. This will be nice for me (I won't have to work at Grizzly's anymore) and also for Bella because she LOVES having friends over to play with. She is entertained for hours by other kids. She loves giving other kids hugs, we're still working on learning to be gentle, but that will come!
So...right now for us it's the calm before the storm of everything happening at the end of August. All of these changes will be in one week, so we'll be preparing as best we can, but it will for sure be a busy week!
Adam's brother Ethan is coming to stay with us this weekend and we're both really excited about that, so the next post will have some great pictures of Bella and her Uncle Ethan!
Okay...enough of all this...on to the pictures!
I was eating brocolli one afternoon and Bella wanted a piece so I gave her a small one to try and she did pretty well. She would crawl around with it sticking out of her mouth, she kind of looked like a little dog with a bone in it's mouth! I just thought this picture was funny!
She is completely into pulling her books off her shelf and opening and closing them. She also loves turning the pages, we don't really get to read her stories anymore because all she wants to do is turn the pages!
Bella also has become very daring. She crawls and climbs anywhere she can. This picture is her playing in the living room. And the next one is her 'perched' on the foot stool in her room! When she was crawling on the stool, she even got herself down no problem. She's getting to be such a big girl!