We had a snow day yesterday and we had so much fun! All of the kids that I watch have parents that are teachers, so they all were home and Adam got to be home with us too. So, here's all the stuff we did on our family fun snow day!We started off our morning by coloring at the kitchen table. We all made some pretty cool pictures!

Then after Bella's nap we went outside an played in the snow. Here she is before I put all her snow gear on.

And then after. She's ready to go!

It was her first time playing in the snow and she
loved it!

Of course she had to get a taste of it...

and another!

Then we came in and played a game that Adam's Mom got me for my birthday. It's called "In A Pickle" and it was a lot of fun! Thanks again Mom, I loved it!

We got out some educational toys for Bella to play with (as you can see on the floor) and all she wanted to do was lean on her toy box and chew on her baseball.

We got some junk mail with a fake credit card in it and we gave it to Bella to play with. Good thing she doesn't know what to do with it!

While Bella was taking her second nap, Adam and I played Yahtzee. He knows how I love playing games and he was so gracious to play two in one day with me!! After this game we watched "The Dark Night". Adam had seen it before and I really liked it too.

So that's our family fun snow day! We really enjoyed ourselves and it was a great day to be home.
Here's some other random pictures from the last week:
Bella looking like she's ready to go to school, not yet babe!

Fun window time with Daddy!

And as promised, here's our sad little Christmas tree. We
love it though!!