I am done with childcare for awhile, at least for the summer and next year. We'll have to see after that. It was such a joy to be able to watch my friends children for them, but I am also now enjoying the freedom of just having Bella. She is so much fun this summer because she can run around and talk, she is saying quite a few words. She is also coming into the stage where she is testing all that we do and the boundaries that we have given her. She has some pretty intense fits sometimes, but to me they are more funny than anything!
Adam is keeping busy with school things. He is diving head first into the new job as Athletic Director, and is ending his second week of Coulee's first ever summer sports camps. This month was two weeks of basketball and in August will be two weeks of soccer camps for the students. He is also busy planning the sporting schedules for the next school year, writing some new class curriculum's for the PE program, and moving his office into a better location.
Our camera broke before we moved, so I haven't been able to take many pictures. But our friend Sami , is an amazing photographer and we are so blessed to be living with her in our house! So, most of these pictures are ones that she has taken since being at the house. The first two I took (you can probably tell), but the rest are hers!
Once a month we do a worship night at a local youth center and in May Adam and his brother Ben got to lead together, so Mom and Dad came up to see their two oldest sons lead worship. it was a great night and so much fun! It was also Mother's day, so Grandma Kathy got to see her grand kids on that special day! This is a picture of here with the granddaughters. Oliver was playing around too!

Now, these are the pictures that Sami took. The big girls were riding bikes outside one evening and Bella really wanted a try, so Adam went up and down the sidewalk with her. She was so proud of herself for 'riding a bike'.
It has been so stinking hot here, that we got some sprinklers and pools for the kids to play in during the day while Sami and I are home with them. These pictures are from the first day they played in