It's been quite a while since I've made a blog post, and by request of Tony, I thought it was time to do another one! Tony has been in Colorado at medical school for about a month now and he called the other day missing family and his niece, so I promised I'd get some pictures of Bella up for him to see!
Life here at our house has been so great lately. Lots of things changing and so many blessings coming from being obedient to the Lord in the things that He's called us to do. If you would like to know more about all that's going on at our house, you can email me ( and I would love to share with you. But for now, I just want to keep this post short with some pictures of Bella for Uncle Tony (love you and miss you brother)! :)
The first pictures are pictures that Sami has taken of Bella...okay, they're all pictures Sami has taken of Bella because she is an amazing photographer and our camera is broken! I ran to the store one evening when we realized we had more people coming for dinner than we planned to get some extra noodles and stuff. While I ran to the store quick, Bella stayed with Sami and she wanted to play dress up! So stinkin' cute! I pulled up to the house to Bella outside playing in Sailor's pretty dress and these wonderful pictures that Sami took.

(this one makes me smile!)

These last two pictures were taken three or four weeks ago when we were at Riverside Park with some friends as they were getting engaged! :) We had a picnic and at the end of it our friend Joe proposed to his girlfriend! It was a great time, but Bella displayed her newfound attitude. She will be turning 2 years old this coming Wednesday and she is for sure beginning to go through the phase of turning two. She has been the queen of throwing fits and being sassy lately but it is pure joy being able to parent and learn through all of these wonderful things that come along.