- Hearing Cadence's sweet precious giggles.
- Listening to Adam sing one of the songs that he wrote.
- Watching Bella play with her Uncle Ethan and seeing how much she is blessed to have amazing family!
- Having a "girls night" with Bella and Cadence while Daddy was away. There were toys everywhere as we ate chocolate cake and watched 'Madagascar'! And it all ended with Cadence napping and me getting to snuggle with Bella in the chair...what a great night!
- As I tuck Bella into bed at night I always say, "Night night Bella, sleep good, you're beautiful, and I love you." And tonight as I walked out I heard her say, "Mommy, you're beautiful too." I am so very blessed!
M & M's
My Mom Moments from the day:
Fun with Dick & Jane...
...and by 'Dick & Jane', I mean 'Bella & Cadence'!
These are just some pictures of what we've been up to lately.
These are just some pictures of what we've been up to lately.
Grandpa Z has a rocking horse at his house that we call 'Charlie Horse'. Bella and Cadence love to ride it together!

Grandpa Z had a booth for their business (Phantom Creek Builders) at the Waterford Home & Commerce show so we decided to go check it out and visit Grandpa on one of the first nice days outside since winter. They had a children's area that Bella loved playing in. She went right into this firetruck, put on the hat, and said "I'm a firefighter, just like Uncle Jon"! She loves her Uncle Jon and the fact that he's a firefighter!

There was a boy there giving out free tattoos and Bella got to pick her own tattoo out. We were elated by her pick, a little girl playing baseball! Adam and I have a LOVE for baseball and all things that go with it. So, we were so proud when she chose this one, maybe Bella will have the same love of the game that her Mom and Dad do. We could only hope!

I curled Bella's hair one morning before going to church. I not only had to bribe her to stay still with a pack of fruit snacks, but then she didn't even want me to take a picture. As you can tell by her face, she was less than pleased that I snapped a picture anyway. Oh well, at least it looked cute!

This is when we picked up the girls after our night in Milwaukee for our anniversary. They had a BLAST playing at Grandma Kathy's!
"Party at Grandma's.....stomp our feet!!!"

I'm sure there will be lots more pictures of us playing outside soon! :)
4 wonderful years
Adam and I just celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We can't believe that it's been that long already! We've never really done anything too special for our anniversaries, so this year when Kathy volunteered to have the girls for a slumber party at Grandma's house we couldn't pass it up! (thanks so much Mom!)
So, the planning began and we had a wonderful overnight at and Irish Pub & Inn called County Clare in Milwaukee. We had such a wonderful time and were able to walk around the city and take in all the sites. Here are some pictures of all the things that we were able to do.

Adam driving us out of Mukwonago (I didn't mean to take it right in from of the "H1N1 shots available" sign, but it happened, so don't forget to get yours!) .

That night we found out that the art museum was hosting an event called "After Dark" and they had lots of fun things going on at the museum. They had food, drinks, photo booth, art students doing hands-on projects, art students there working on their pieces, a DJ, and galleries open.

The only bummer of the night was that we had to pay for parking and the machine gave us back $14 in dollar coins. We were bummed, as you can see! Kind of funny! :)

The rest of our time there, I didn't really take pictures. There was live music in the pub when we got back that night, so we went to listen to that. The guy playing was really good so that was fun.
Then the next morning the served us breakfast in the pub and then we went on to the St. Patrick's Day parade, which we saw only a little bit of because it was pretty cold. We then go to go and see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Milwaukee Public Museum. That was an amazing experience, to be in the same room as 2000 year old pieces of paper that ancient scribes transcribed. And on them were written different things about our faith; Christianity, and about the books of the Bible. It was amazing. After that we thought we'd walk around the Historic Third Ward of Milwaukee and get some lunch before we went back home to pick up the girls.
We had such a wonderful time, thanks so much Mom for allowing us to do all that fun stuff knowing that our girls were having so much fun at Grandma's! :)
So, the planning began and we had a wonderful overnight at and Irish Pub & Inn called County Clare in Milwaukee. We had such a wonderful time and were able to walk around the city and take in all the sites. Here are some pictures of all the things that we were able to do.

Adam driving us out of Mukwonago (I didn't mean to take it right in from of the "H1N1 shots available" sign, but it happened, so don't forget to get yours!) .

That night we found out that the art museum was hosting an event called "After Dark" and they had lots of fun things going on at the museum. They had food, drinks, photo booth, art students doing hands-on projects, art students there working on their pieces, a DJ, and galleries open.

The only bummer of the night was that we had to pay for parking and the machine gave us back $14 in dollar coins. We were bummed, as you can see! Kind of funny! :)

The rest of our time there, I didn't really take pictures. There was live music in the pub when we got back that night, so we went to listen to that. The guy playing was really good so that was fun.
Then the next morning the served us breakfast in the pub and then we went on to the St. Patrick's Day parade, which we saw only a little bit of because it was pretty cold. We then go to go and see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Milwaukee Public Museum. That was an amazing experience, to be in the same room as 2000 year old pieces of paper that ancient scribes transcribed. And on them were written different things about our faith; Christianity, and about the books of the Bible. It was amazing. After that we thought we'd walk around the Historic Third Ward of Milwaukee and get some lunch before we went back home to pick up the girls.
We had such a wonderful time, thanks so much Mom for allowing us to do all that fun stuff knowing that our girls were having so much fun at Grandma's! :)
M & M's
M & M's are something that I was thinking about last night while holding Cadence on the couch as she fell asleep; and no, not the chocolate kind. They are the Mom Moments throughout the day that make me smile. I was thinking that I no longer wanted to let the days slip by without remember the beautiful moments of being a lover of Jesus, a wife, and of course a Mom. I'm going to go get myself a notebook and begin to write down all the wonderful things that happen in my life on a daily basis. I've never been good at journaling (I usually start and then stop about a week into it), but this will be different. So, whether I journal these moments or blog about them, it will be something because I don't ever want to forget these things, I always want to remember.
So, here are my M & M's from the day yesterday:
So, these M & M posts are more for me than anyone else, so thanks for reading if you are! :)
So, here are my M & M's from the day yesterday:
- Waking up at 6am to hear Cadence giggling in her crib and then looking at her and seeing this HUGE smile.
- Going to get Bella up from her nap and the first thing she says to me is, "Mom, I think you're silly...and awesome"!
- Seeing Adam come home from a day of subbing filled with joy because he just had the best day of subbing yet!
- Watching my amazing husband take our daughters for a walk around the block. (he is such a great dad)
- While we were eating dinner we hear a knock on the door, Adam went to see who it was and I hear these two sweet little voices saying, "Can Bella come out and play?". When Bella heard the voices of the little girls she got so excited and said, "My friends are here to play!". That was the first 'knock on the door' to see if Bella could come out and play, first of many I'm sure!
So, these M & M posts are more for me than anyone else, so thanks for reading if you are! :)
Oh my, it's been TOO long
It has been way too long since I've done any blogging! We have had tons of things change, but for now I'm just going to update with pictures. It's been 4 months since you've seen any pictures from our family and I thought I'd catch you all up! (be prepared for lots of them)

One snowy day Daddy and Bella went outside to play and Bella wanted to help Daddy shovel the driveway; they had fun! :)

Bella loves putting on Mommy's hat and scarf and also loving on her sister! She is an awesome big sister!

Cadence and I went to my Mom's for a night after we moved and we celebrated her birthday. We went out to dinner at a restaurant in La Crosse. Everybody got a chance to hold Cadence (she was being so good), Uncle Jon really likes her!

Bella had developed into quite the little 'ham'. She loves getting her picture taken, any time I have my camera out she wants me to take her picture and then she wants to see it!

We got to go to Grandpa McLean's 74th birthday! It was so much fun because we got to see so much of the family! Bella and Cadence loved being around all the cousins and Aunt's and Uncle's! Both the girls loved our cousin Anna :)

Aunt Nancy and Holly took us to the Children's Museum here in Milwaukee one day. We had so much fun and Bella loved getting to play with Holly and all the cool things there!

Not only does Bella love taking baths herself, she is so willing to help whenever I need it with Cadence too. Whether it be throwing away dirty diapers or helping out with a bath, she's always there to help out her little sister!

Bella always like to hold Cadence too, she'll hold her and feed her for us sometimes. Also, as you can see in this picture Bella has learned how to 'fake' smile for the camera after she says 'CHEESE'!!!! So beautiful!

Every year about 15 of my girl friends from college get together for a girls weekend and this year it was last weekend. I always have such a blast getting to be together again and catch up and I'm so blessed by all my friends, we ended the weekend praying for each other and encouraging each other! I have such amazing friends! This year, my friend Katie and I found the biggest Rice Krispie treat EVER at a gas station that we stopped at, so we had to take a picture!

Bella has loved playing in her tutu that Grandma Peggy got her for Christmas. She will bring it to me and ask me to put it on and then sing and dance around in circles. Thanks Grandma Peggy!

I've been letting her pick out her own clothes in the morning and this is what she chose to wear one day! And then when I asked her if she'd like me to do her hair with clips or ponies, she said ponies and she'd like one right on top of her head! So, that's what we did! Then we were on our way over to Grandma Kathy's for Monday night dinner, she found her doggy at Grandma's and loved playing with it! She was such a little Funky Monkey that day! :)

This is about a week after Cadence learned how to roll over! She loves having this new ability and is always on her tummy now 'talking' away!

We had a bag of apples left over from my girls weekend and I didn't want them to go to waste so Bella and I made apple pie. It turned out so delicious, "probably the best I've ever had", said Adam!

While Bella and I were making the pie, Daddy and Cadence were playing on the floor. They had such a great time and got some awesome pictures!

Next time I post I'll update everyone on what we are up to now and how we are all doing! Hope you are all well and we'd love to hear how you're doing, so leave us a message or send us an email: nell_3@hotmail.com .
Cadence is now almost 5 months old! She is a wonderful baby girl. She is rolling over, 'talking', and interacting like crazy. I can see so many things that are similar between Cadence and Bella, but one thing that is not is that Cadence is so much bigger than Bella ever was at her age! Cade is in the 90th percentile and Bella's always been around the 10-15th! So different and yet so much the same.

One snowy day Daddy and Bella went outside to play and Bella wanted to help Daddy shovel the driveway; they had fun! :)

Bella loves putting on Mommy's hat and scarf and also loving on her sister! She is an awesome big sister!

Cadence and I went to my Mom's for a night after we moved and we celebrated her birthday. We went out to dinner at a restaurant in La Crosse. Everybody got a chance to hold Cadence (she was being so good), Uncle Jon really likes her!

Bella had developed into quite the little 'ham'. She loves getting her picture taken, any time I have my camera out she wants me to take her picture and then she wants to see it!

We got to go to Grandpa McLean's 74th birthday! It was so much fun because we got to see so much of the family! Bella and Cadence loved being around all the cousins and Aunt's and Uncle's! Both the girls loved our cousin Anna :)

Aunt Nancy and Holly took us to the Children's Museum here in Milwaukee one day. We had so much fun and Bella loved getting to play with Holly and all the cool things there!

Not only does Bella love taking baths herself, she is so willing to help whenever I need it with Cadence too. Whether it be throwing away dirty diapers or helping out with a bath, she's always there to help out her little sister!

Bella always like to hold Cadence too, she'll hold her and feed her for us sometimes. Also, as you can see in this picture Bella has learned how to 'fake' smile for the camera after she says 'CHEESE'!!!! So beautiful!

Every year about 15 of my girl friends from college get together for a girls weekend and this year it was last weekend. I always have such a blast getting to be together again and catch up and I'm so blessed by all my friends, we ended the weekend praying for each other and encouraging each other! I have such amazing friends! This year, my friend Katie and I found the biggest Rice Krispie treat EVER at a gas station that we stopped at, so we had to take a picture!

Bella has loved playing in her tutu that Grandma Peggy got her for Christmas. She will bring it to me and ask me to put it on and then sing and dance around in circles. Thanks Grandma Peggy!

I've been letting her pick out her own clothes in the morning and this is what she chose to wear one day! And then when I asked her if she'd like me to do her hair with clips or ponies, she said ponies and she'd like one right on top of her head! So, that's what we did! Then we were on our way over to Grandma Kathy's for Monday night dinner, she found her doggy at Grandma's and loved playing with it! She was such a little Funky Monkey that day! :)

This is about a week after Cadence learned how to roll over! She loves having this new ability and is always on her tummy now 'talking' away!

We had a bag of apples left over from my girls weekend and I didn't want them to go to waste so Bella and I made apple pie. It turned out so delicious, "probably the best I've ever had", said Adam!

While Bella and I were making the pie, Daddy and Cadence were playing on the floor. They had such a great time and got some awesome pictures!

Next time I post I'll update everyone on what we are up to now and how we are all doing! Hope you are all well and we'd love to hear how you're doing, so leave us a message or send us an email: nell_3@hotmail.com .
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