We can't believe it, but it's already been two wonderful year of marriage for Adam and I! It seems like just yesterday that we had our wedding day. As we talked about it, we both said that we hope it always feels like just yesterday and that it never gets old! We had a busy few days over our anniversary and we didn't get much time to really celebrate, but we've come to realize that's the way it is when you have kids, and we wouldn't trade it for the world. I joked with Adam that on our 10th anniversary, we'll be out to dinner and have to say "table for 5 please!!". Our first two years of married life are so different and yet so wonderful!! On our first anniversary I remember staying home, making dinner and watching a movie with just the two of us. And on our second anniversary we were buying "little swimmer" diapers and a swim suit for Bella so that we could take her in the pool at the hotel!! Oh how life changes!
The reason we had a busy few days was because we went to The Cities to meet with the team from Campus Crusade to see if it would be a good fit for us, and also if we would fit into their team. We left on Monday and spent the afternoon and evening with the Ellenwood's at their house. It was so wonderful to get to see them! They took us to an amazing restaraunt called "Chino Latino's" in Uptown; it was so good. Thanks guys! The next morning (our anniversary) we got up early to drive into Minneapolis and spend the day at the Crusade office with the team. We sat in on a staff meeting in the morning, at lunch with the director and his family, and then had a chance to individually talk to the team members in the afternoon to get a feel for what they do everyday! The team is fantastic and they are wonderful people, but in meeting them Adam and I both realized that this job wouldn't be a good fit for us. It was some what bitter sweet, because the people are so great, but this job just isn't meant for us. Now it is back to where we started from in trying to figure out what to do next! We really feel like we need something new and different, now we just have to ask God to show us what he has for us! We would love to have you all praying for us in this area!!
Before we went to The Cities we decided we would take an extra day and get a hotel to celebrate our anniversary. So, when we left the office we went to our hotel and spent the evening there. As I said before, we decided we wanted to go swimming so we went to Target and got suits for the family!! It was so much fun, we got a baby bikini for Bella, and she looked so cute in it!! On our way to Target we walked outside, but on the way back to the hotel we took the skywalks, it was so fun to be in a city for a few days! Then on Wednesday afternoon we drove back home. Bella slept the whole way and was so happy to be home.
Now we are home and back to life as usual! These are some pictures from the past few weeks, and also of Bella swimming in the pool! It was her first time in a pool and she really liked it! We think she's going to be a little water bug because she loves taking baths and really liked the pool!!
I can't remember if I talked about Bella's teething or not, but we think she is. She has been waking up at night and pulling at her gums during the day. So we've been getting lots of use out of the teethers!!
Here she is playing on the floor. The minute you set her down now she rolls over, she really liked being on her tummy!
This is Bella just vegging out on daddy! Adam had her on his lap and we were talking with some friends that were over and she just started to zone out! Her belly's sticking out and we thought it was so funny!
When I was at work one night Adam gave Bella a bath and took these pictures. She loves playing in her towel after bath time!
I love this picture because she looks so much like her Uncle Tony when he was little!! What a little Furlano!!
Adam and I think she's going to be crawling soon! She is starting to scoot a little bit (mostly backwards) and she can't turn herself in a circle. She's starting to pull her legs up underneath her too. She's gotten up on all fours twice but can't stay there for very long yet. I don't think it will be long and I'll have to baby proof the house!
Our friends told us about these wonderful mesh bags that you can get for babies to help with their teething. So I got some and they work great, Bella loves it! I cut up little pieces of fruits and veggies and freeze them, then put them into the little bag. Bella chews on them until there is practically nothing left! (She's also wearing her 'I love Apt. 3' bib!) I got the bags at 'Babies R' Us'.
Okay...here come the cutest baby pictures!!! Here she is in her baby bikini and in the pool!!! I think mom might have liked it more than Bella did! :)
Hope you are all doing great! Send us an email or leave a message so we can hear how you are doing also! Love you all!
1 comment:
We love the bikini photos! And Oliver has the same polka dot sleeper. (:
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