
Fun At The Mall

So...I know I just posted a couple of days ago, but Bella and I took a little trip with Grandma Peggy up to The Twin Cities. We spent one day at IKEA (I had never been) and then we went to the Mall of America the next day! We had a great time both days. Bella especially like the mall because we did so much more than just shopping! So...here's some great pictures of all the fun things we did at the mall.

The theme park in the mall was built on the site of the old Twins stadium and they kept home plate. So because of our love for baseball, here's Bella and I at home plate!

Grandma and Bella walking through the theme park. She had such a good time looking and waving at all the other kids there!

Bella got to ride the Carousel. Grandma thought she would really like it. We were one of the first ones on the ride so she got to sit on her animal for a while before the ride started and she LOVED it! But then when the ride started to move and the animal went up and down she started to cling to me and wouldn't let go! So, I was bending up and down as the animal was moving up and down. Finally I decided to unbuckle her and sit down in the chair behind us, then she liked it a little bit better again! I should have found an animal that didn't move up and down!

So...here's the progression of pictures that Grandma got!




After the Carousel incident, we went to eat at the Rainforest Cafe. Bella really liked that because there was so much stuff for her to look at! Every 30 minutes they had thunder and lightening, so this is Grandma and Bella during the thunder and lightening!

After lunch we went to the Underground Aquarium. That was a lot of fun. We got to see so many animals!

Here's Bella with the turtles (she loved looking at the animals through the glass).

The next pictures are of the underwater aquarium. We walked through a tube and the fish swam above and around us.

Bella looking at a shark:

This shark looked like it was thinking, "that looks like a nice little bite-sized treat!".

Here's a big sting ray that swam right by Bella a lot.

A sword fish:

In this display there is a green snake wrapped around the branch. It was moving it's head and Bella liked looking at it!

I told Adam that I wanted to get a picture of a shark 'biting Bella's head off' so here it is! How cute is she?! She looks genuinely concerned!

We had a lot of fun on our little vacation, but are so happy to be home with Daddy and sleeping in our own beds! Thanks for the fun vacation Grandma!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have a moby wrap too? don't you love it?! i used mine a lot when oliver was just a few months old, but it was so great!