We had such a nice Christmas vacation. We were able to spend lots of time at Grandma's and Grandpa's houses and had so much fun. We are truly blessed by all our family, thanks so much! On the night we got to Grandma Peggy's house we made cutout cookies and then we decorated them the next day. As you can see, Bella really loved decorating the cookies. She got to have so much frosting! Uncle Jon helped her out, by putting the plate up to her face so all she had to do was lick it!

After dinner that night we all opened gifts and we had so much fun!

Whenever Grandma had the camera out, Bella wanted to go right up to it and see what she was doing.

Then we traveled to Mukwonago and visited Adam's family. It was such a great time. Here's Bella opening some gifts from Grandma so she would have toys to play with! Grandma's are always good about that! :)

And Bella got to play guitar with Daddy a few times. She really likes doing that now.

Playing with toys at Grandpa's house. Uncle Ben and Oliver were so much fun!

Boxes make the best toys.

Can't keep this one away from the camera!

Bella with Grandpa, she wouldn't keep her eyes open though...silly girl!

Opening some great gifts!

Playing with the toys from Grandpa! What a great gift!

A little bit of man time!

Uncle Adam teaching Oliver how to strum the guitar.

Just playing around!

Bella loved her cousin Eliot.

Every Christmas the boys take a picture together, this year they went crazy and took quite a few...here's just a selection of the charming photographs that were taken! :)
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