Life is going so well here in La Crosse. Bella is a year and a half already and so fun. So is starting to say tons of words and just recently started to put two words together. I'm still doing childcare during the days and Bella is loving that too, because she has friends come to play every day. She was sick a couple of days this past week and I could really tell that she missed having her friends over.
Adam is teaching at CRCS and still liking it there. He just interviewed for another position there for next year to make him full-time. We will find out later this week if he got the job or not. We're all praying that he does, it would be such a blessing.
And now, on to our big news! We have two things to share with everyone. We just bought a house (picture below) and new baby Z is coming in October! We bought this huge home near downtown La Crosse with some of our close friends and we are going to live there together. Our dream is to live there and to be a light to our neighborhood, which is not in the greatest condition. We are going to live together as families and share everything, then out of our home we will feed/clothe/help anyone who needs it. By sharing the mortgage on this beautiful home, we will be able to save money and do these things that we want to in our community. We are really excited about our new adventure in life, but please pray for us as we have BIG dreams and cannot accomplish them on our own strength.
Just this morning we got to hear the heartbeat of our new little baby. It was strong and healthy. I remember getting to hear Isabella's heartbeat for the first time and today was just as exciting! Our due date is October 15th, only 2 days away from Adam's birthday. We think this is so fun, because Bella was born one day before my birthday, so this new baby might be right near Daddy's birthday!

Now onto some fun pictures from the last month or so.
Our friend Sami, the family we will be living with, has been taking wonderful pictures of Bella and their children and here are some of my favorites! She is so talented!

I feel like I should have more pictures, but I think we've been so busy working on the house in our free time that I haven't taken many pictures lately. Hope you are all doing well and have a wonderful Easter!
YAY!!!!! You finally posted again!!! I cant wait to move to the new house!!!! ONly 24 days!!!! Oh wow...better start packing!!! Bella is soooo cute..So is Austin!!! Love ya and thanks for saying Im talented :)
Yeah for the new house. I only know you through Sami and that you are one of the couples moving in with her, but I think it's cool what you all will be doing!
Congrats on your baby. Sami is getting soooooo good at her picture taking:) Yeah! I suppose I better take her up on her offer to photograph us before she becomes famous:)
Blessings and super blessings on your soon-to-be move!
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