
Christmas Travels

We have had a wonderful Christmas week, we just got home from visiting family! It was a great vacation, but now it's back to work for Adam and I tomorrow. We spent the first part of our vacation in Mukwonago with Adam's family and then drove through the snow storm on Saturday night to get to Claire's family. We were going to come back home for church on Sunday morning, but we were snowed in and we couldn't make it to La Crosse. Everything turned out fine and it was nice just to relax and not have to drive again! We were so blessed by everyone for Christmas; thank you again, we love you all!

Bella did wonderful on our big trip. She sleeps most of the time in the car which is great, easy on mom and dad! She has always been a thumb sucker, but is just now starting to discover both of her hands. If she's awake, they're usually in her mouth! It's so much fun watching her grow. She is starting to giggle when we tickle her tummy and is smiling more than every. She is such a happy baby! She is also getting used to playing on the floor, she really likes to wiggle around. She's getting used to being on her tummy, she used to only lay there for a few minutes, but now she'll smile and stay there for a while. Every now and again she is rolling over too, she hasn't quite got it down yet, but it won't be long!

Here are some pictures from our Christmas!

One of Grandma Kathy's friends gave Bella this great bouncy chair. It bounces and vibrates, she really likes it.

Here's our smiley girl in her new chair!

Aunt Laura's making me giggle!

This is us with the Adam's brothers and sister. (Laura, Ben, their son Oliver, Ethan, Claire, Bella, and Adam)

Here's a nice family picture from Christmas.

And here is Bella with me, Aunt Laura, and cousin Oliver!

We had such a wonderful time and hopefully we'll get some pictures of time spent with Claire's family soon too!


Merry Christmas

This is Isabella Marie! She is three months old now and is a joy to have for a daughter! It is amazing to see her grow every day. She loves looking at mom and dad's faces, playing on the floor, watching TV, taking baths and dancing; she's not so fond of tummy time though! She has also become an expert at pooping right through her clothes (usually at church on Sunday mornings)! Bella got a Christmas gift from one of our friends and we thought she would look cute in the bag. So here she is, the perfect present! She's wearing daddy's hat too! I am looking forward to keeping in touch with everyone and sharing pictures of our family with you. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!