
Family Picture

Our wonderful sister-in-law is a photographer. And not just any photographer. A fantastic, super amazing, 9 months pregnant photographer! She captured this beautiful photo of our family. I love it and can't wait for more. Thanks so much Laura, you rock.


Summer Time

Here's a few pictures of the girls and some of the fun summer time things that we've been doing:

Some big news is that Adam got a job with a charter school here in Milwaukee! We are so excited, it seems to be a great fit. He will be teaching Phy. Ed., 8th grade boys health, and some coaching! :)


Guess who needs glasses...

Little Miss Bella! :)

There's also some pictures of my 'not so little anymore' Cadence for you to enjoy!


M & M's

  • Cadence is army crawling all over the place!
  • Cade poked 2 teeth! She got the first one the day she turned 6 months old, and then the next one came about a week later. She's going to be so cute!
  • Staying up late to read, thinking that the girls would sleep until their usual 6ish...they woke up at 4:45. Why does this happen when I choose to stay up late?! I can't be mad though because the girls are so happy...I need to learn to enjoy moments like these rather than being annoyed. (not easy to do most days though)
  • Daddy combed Bella's hair one night before bed and sang the 'ABC's' so that she would hold still. Then Bella got to come Daddy's hair and sing. This is what she said, "ABCDEFG...YOU'RE HAIR IS ALL GONE!!!!"
  • Bella had been blinking her eyes lots and occasionally complaining that they hurt, so I made an eye doctor appointment and took her in thinking that she had something stuck in there or something. But instead I found out that she needs glasses!! I wasn't expecting that, the doctor said that she is blinking like that because she is trying to focus on things and she can't. So, if glasses help her to see then that is what we will do! She'll look cute!
  • Getting to take Bella for a little ice cream cone at McDonald's because she successfully filled up her potty chart (only for going #2). She was so excited!
  • Seeing how much Cadence loves her big sister is so wonderful! Anytime she sees Bella she gets a HUGE smile and giggles at the goofy things Bella does, it's great.
  • A conversation Bella and I had in the car on the way to the eye doctor: Bella: 'I'm blowing my nose Mom', Me: 'oh, do you have buggers?', Bella: 'yes, they are really tiny', Me: 'oh, okay', ...pause..., Bella: 'do you want to smell them?', Me: 'no, that's kind of gross honey', Bella: 'okay, I'll just put them back', Me: 'we don't put buggers back into our noses, we put them into a kleenex and throw them away.'


Easter at Grandma Kathy's house was AWESOME!!! :) The girls had a blast and did lots of fun stuff! Here are some of the pictures from Mom's camera. I'll make another post of different pictures from our camera too!

Our little baseball star! It was really windy on Easter day but we thought we'd go outside and try out the T-Ball stand anyway. The ball blew off alot and then when the ball didn't blow off, Bella didn't want to hit the ball with the big end of the bat. :( We'll have to work on her knowledge of the sport I think!

Our very first whole family picture! :)

Grandma Kathy and the girls!

Cadence just loves her exersaucer at Grandma's house!

The baskets that the girls got had hats around them, so we took Bella's off so she could wear it! So darn cute! Thanks Mom!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter too and more pictures to come soon!


M & M's

My Mom Moments from the day:
  • Hearing Cadence's sweet precious giggles.
  • Listening to Adam sing one of the songs that he wrote.
  • Watching Bella play with her Uncle Ethan and seeing how much she is blessed to have amazing family!
  • Having a "girls night" with Bella and Cadence while Daddy was away. There were toys everywhere as we ate chocolate cake and watched 'Madagascar'! And it all ended with Cadence napping and me getting to snuggle with Bella in the chair...what a great night!
  • As I tuck Bella into bed at night I always say, "Night night Bella, sleep good, you're beautiful, and I love you." And tonight as I walked out I heard her say, "Mommy, you're beautiful too." I am so very blessed!


Fun with Dick & Jane...

...and by 'Dick & Jane', I mean 'Bella & Cadence'!

These are just some pictures of what we've been up to lately.

Grandpa Z has a rocking horse at his house that we call 'Charlie Horse'. Bella and Cadence love to ride it together!

Grandpa Z had a booth for their business (Phantom Creek Builders) at the Waterford Home & Commerce show so we decided to go check it out and visit Grandpa on one of the first nice days outside since winter. They had a children's area that Bella loved playing in. She went right into this firetruck, put on the hat, and said "I'm a firefighter, just like Uncle Jon"! She loves her Uncle Jon and the fact that he's a firefighter!

There was a boy there giving out free tattoos and Bella got to pick her own tattoo out. We were elated by her pick, a little girl playing baseball! Adam and I have a LOVE for baseball and all things that go with it. So, we were so proud when she chose this one, maybe Bella will have the same love of the game that her Mom and Dad do. We could only hope!

I curled Bella's hair one morning before going to church. I not only had to bribe her to stay still with a pack of fruit snacks, but then she didn't even want me to take a picture. As you can tell by her face, she was less than pleased that I snapped a picture anyway. Oh well, at least it looked cute!

This is when we picked up the girls after our night in Milwaukee for our anniversary. They had a BLAST playing at Grandma Kathy's!

"Party at Grandma's.....stomp our feet!!!"

I'm sure there will be lots more pictures of us playing outside soon! :)

4 wonderful years

Adam and I just celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We can't believe that it's been that long already! We've never really done anything too special for our anniversaries, so this year when Kathy volunteered to have the girls for a slumber party at Grandma's house we couldn't pass it up! (thanks so much Mom!)

So, the planning began and we had a wonderful overnight at and Irish Pub & Inn called County Clare in Milwaukee. We had such a wonderful time and were able to walk around the city and take in all the sites. Here are some pictures of all the things that we were able to do.

Adam driving us out of Mukwonago (I didn't mean to take it right in from of the "H1N1 shots available" sign, but it happened, so don't forget to get yours!) .

Arriving at our destination.

That night we found out that the art museum was hosting an event called "After Dark" and they had lots of fun things going on at the museum. They had food, drinks, photo booth, art students doing hands-on projects, art students there working on their pieces, a DJ, and galleries open.

The only bummer of the night was that we had to pay for parking and the machine gave us back $14 in dollar coins. We were bummed, as you can see! Kind of funny! :)

The rest of our time there, I didn't really take pictures. There was live music in the pub when we got back that night, so we went to listen to that. The guy playing was really good so that was fun.

Then the next morning the served us breakfast in the pub and then we went on to the St. Patrick's Day parade, which we saw only a little bit of because it was pretty cold. We then go to go and see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Milwaukee Public Museum. That was an amazing experience, to be in the same room as 2000 year old pieces of paper that ancient scribes transcribed. And on them were written different things about our faith; Christianity, and about the books of the Bible. It was amazing. After that we thought we'd walk around the Historic Third Ward of Milwaukee and get some lunch before we went back home to pick up the girls.

We had such a wonderful time, thanks so much Mom for allowing us to do all that fun stuff knowing that our girls were having so much fun at Grandma's! :)