
June Dairy Days

Last Saturday Bella and I went home to Tomah for my little sister's graduation party and also June Dairy Days. For June Dairy Days every county in Wisconsin has a dairy breakfast which is hosted by a local farmer. This year, the one in our county was hosted at a farm right down the road from my Mom's house. So...we went and had a great time! It was Bella's first time getting to see all the farm animals and she loved it! Jon (my brother) was volunteering with the rest of his fire department to help cook the food for the breakfast, so not only did we get to see all the animals we got to spend time with Grandma, Jon and his girlfriend Lynn.

Here are the pictures that Grandma took for us that morning.

Before Jon went to the breakfast he came out to the house to run some errands for Mom and also to say hi and see Bella.

When we got to the breakfast there were tons of people there and the line for food was pretty long so we started out by walking around the farm. We stopped to get some ice cream cones and then went into the barn. Here's Bella, Lynn, and I with the cows.

We got to get really close and Bella even got to touch one of the cows ears!

Then we went on a hay ride around the field. Here's a couple of pictures of us in the wagon!

Then we got to stand in front of the wagon and look at the horses! They were really big and pretty.

Next to the hay rides they had a little petting zoo, so we went to do that. Here's Bella and I looking at the miniture horse named Cricket.

And she got to pet the llamas fur, it was very soft.

They also had little baby birds. There were geese, ducks, mallards, and baby chicks. This is one of the baby mallards. They were so cute and soft!

Bella almost grabbed the little bird. I don't think it would have been good if she had actually gotten a hold of it though!

Here's Mom with the baby pigs. They were taking a nap together and she can't ever pass up a picture with some cute little pigs!

Here we are petting the goats.

Then on the walk back to the breakfast there was a tractor sign that we just had to have a picture by!

Uncle Jon held Bella while the girls ate breakfast. The had a great time playing together.

And right before we left we went to see the big tractors. I really wanted a picture of Bella on one! She did okay, but I'm not sure she really liked being up so high without being able to see me.

So, needless to say, we had a great time. It was fun for Bella (and all of us) to get to see all the animals and the breakfast tasted SO good.


Tony's graduated!!! We had such a nice time watching Tony graduate! It was a great day, and then after his ceremony we all came back to our house and had a little dinner together. It is such an accomplishment. We are SO proud of you Tony!

Here's a picture outside of the ceremony before we came back home.
Jon is really proud of Tony too...but he will never let Tony forget that he's bigger than him! :)

Proud Mama with her college grad!

Back at our house, here I am with Tony.

One day our friends The Tillema's were watching Bella for a little bit, and she was playing with ALL of Eli's (their son) toys! I think she was having fun.

This picture was on a rainy spring day. We had to play inside because it was pretty chilly out. I let Bella play on the floor in the kitchen with my cookie sheet and her magnet letters (the letters stick to the cookie sheet) and she had a good time. She kept banging the cookie sheet on the floor so it was pretty loud!

I got a bike trailer for my bike to run errands with Bella and to just get out a little bit. She doesn't really like it yet, but I'm hoping that she'll get used to it before the summer is over. Also, (I don't think this helps the situation) I got her a helmet because it said the children should wear helmets. She really doesn't like this, but I thought the helmet was so cute. Once again, I hope she grows to like it!

Here's our girl styling for the summer. (not so happy though) I would love her to wear her glasses, but clearly she doesn't like them. So she has a sun hat instead. Maybe she'll grow into liking these as well.

Bella has been pulling up on all the things around the house lately. The funny thing is that she gets up just fine, but then can't figure out how to get back down. Most of the time she'll either whine until we come to get her or just let go and fall to the ground. She has had many bumps to the head due to this new phase. So, here are a few pictures of her standing up.

Sprawled out taking a nap. It's been so hot and humid that this is how she takes naps. I just thought it was cute!

Bella's idea of helping Mommy read the newspaper on Sunday afternoon. :)

It was SO nice out that we finally got to put the pool outside and let her take a swim. She had such a good time splashing away. Thanks again Uncle Paul and Aunt Debbie! Here are some great pictures.