Adam's birthday was on October 17th and we had a great time. For the first time in a long time (5 years) he got to spend his birthday with his family in Mukwonago. It worked out well that we could go and we had a lot of fun!
Thank you
so much to all of you who contributed to Adam's guitar!! I was so excited to give it to him and he loved it too. Lots of people have asked if he was able to get a new guitar yet, and he hasn't yet. I was able to present him with a lot of money, but still not enough to get the guitar that he would like to have. So, we are putting it in a fund and hopefully it will happen sometime soon!! Thanks again everyone, I am so appreciative. I couldn't have done it without all of you!
I now have another little girl that is starting daycare with me on Nov. 3rd. I'm really excited about it, Bella and this new little one are going to be great friends. They are really close in age and play together really well! I think it's going to be good for both of them and a fun little addition to our house during the days.
Now on to the fun pictures! Enjoy.
Adam and I just got finished reading a book that was recommended to us by Kathy (Adam's mom) and it was amazing. It is called
The Shack ( You should really check it out, I highly recommend it! So, as Adam was reading one day Bella was on the couch reading and equally amazing book,
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and it was a great picture!

I realized we haven't taken any bath pictures in a while, so here is a cute one!

Now on to pictures from the weekend with the family! We went to cheer on Ethan at his cross country meet that Saturday and it was a lot of fun. It was Bella and I's first time at a meet, she had a lot of fun being outside. There were lots of other kids and dogs there to play with. While Adam and Tom ran around to the different check points to cheer Ethan on, Kathy, Bella, and I went straight to the finish line and found a table to sit on. Bella enjoyed playing with the rope that marked where the course was and even got to walk out on the course with Grandma Kathy. As you can see by the big smile on her face, she loved it!

By the time the runners were making it to the finish line, there was quite a crowd. We were standing up on top of the picnic table so we could see Ethan as he came in. He did so awesome and it was great to get to see him run!

After the race, Bella got in on a picture with the men!

Riding home from the race was fun too!

Later that afternoon we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa McLean. We had such a nice time. Bella slept for the first hour and a half that we were there, but when she woke up she was ready to play! She especially liked Tuffy (their cat) and her toys!

Here's Tuffy with Bella. Tuffy didn't want to get too close, but she at least wanted to check her out!

Great Grandma Bobbi got out some great books and read to Bella on the floor. They had so much fun. Grandma even sent a book home with Bella, which she now
loves (thanks so much Grandma)!

What a great picture with Dad, Great Grandpa George, and Great Grandma Bobbi.

On Sunday we were able to go and spend some time in Madison with Ben, Laura, and Oliver. We went to church with them in the morning and then spent the afternoon back at their house. Since we didn't get to see them on all of our birthdays, we had birthday brownies! They were so good, thanks guys!

After brownies, Aunt Laura read some books to Bella on the couch. And then we hit the road to come home for Bella's nap and Adam's surprise party!!

Before we left I had given our spare key to some friends, so they were there when we got home and surprised Adam with some pizza and cake. We had a nice night!
We took two pictures to get everyone in, so here's who was at our house!

Later that night after Bella got her pj's on she was being such a ham. She was pulling her socks off and smiling so big for the camera! We love her
so much!
And here is Bella and Joy playing around the house one day. The two of them love to play in this drawer together!
1 comment:
Love the car seat photo. (:
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