Bella celebrated her 1st birthday a couple of weeks ago on September 23rd. She is now officially a toddler! And then the next day was my birthday. It was fun remembering back to what we were doing a year ago and being able to remember so specifically everything that happened on my birthday a year ago. I've never been able to remember exactly what I was doing on my birthday the last year, but now I think it will be much easier!
Bella got to have 3 parties, which means 3 cakes!! She loved every minute of it. And for my birthday Adam found a babysitter and took me to dinner and then on a horse and carriage ride around downtown and riverside park. It was wonderful!
These first few pictures are from when Bella and I visited Adam at the retreat he went on (with his school). She loved being able to play around in the grass and on all the fun equiptment!

This is Bella's first birthday party!! We spent the weekend before her birthday in Mukwonago with Adam's family to celebrate birthday's and also for a Zastrow family reunion (pictures from that at the end). Bella had fun playing at Grandma Kathy's house with fun toys!
She also loved trying to pick up this 5 pound excersize ball. She actually was able to pick it up, but the face and noises she made while doing it were priceless!
She's opening her present from Great Grandma & Great Grandpa McLean. She loved taking the paper off. After she opened this present it was nap time, which was perfect because she got some CD's with lullaby music on them!! Thanks so much Great Grandma & Great Grandpa McLean!

After nap and dinner she got to open some more presents. This one is a fun ball toy she got from Grandma Kathy!

We put it together and Oliver and Bella had so much fun playing with it!

Now it's time for cake #1.

She LOVED it!
This picture is from the morning of her birthday. I made her a special birthday shirt to wear. I don't think she understood that it was her birthday, but then when I told her...
she was SO excited!!!

Bella and Joy had fun playing all day and making a big mess with the magazine!!
We had some friends over for dinner and cake on her actual birthday. So here's celebration and cake #2!

Milk break!!
On our way up to take a bath before opening her present. What a mess!

Here's her present from Michelle, Jeff, & Eli. I think she has more fun with the bag and tissue paper!

Then the next day (my birthday) Eli and Joy came to play and all the babies were wonderful. They had so much fun playing together around the music table...
And having a teether party!!!

These are some pictures from the Zastrow family reunion. It was such a wonderful day and it was great to see all the family again!
Adam, Ben, Dad, and Ethan
Family picture outiside, Bella was kind of squirmy!
And Grandpa Tom with the grandchildren! How cute is this!!
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