
Ooops...forgot some pictures!!

I don't know what I was thinking, but I completely forgot to put some pictures on that last blog (thanks for reminding me Adam). I talked about how Bella had 3 parties and cakes, well here's the third cake and some other things too!!!

Grandma Peggy and Bella with cake #3!! This was for the birthday part with friends and my side of the family.

She didn't get nearly as messy with this one because Grandpa Steve fed her the cake off of a spoon. She gets so spoiled when Grandma and Grandpa's are around!!!

Not only did Bella get some fun bedding and curtains for her room, but Grandma also got her this toy. She really seems to like it! She opened it all by herself too.

Daddy and Bella built a fort in the living room one afternoon while I was gone. It looks like they had a lot of fun playing around!

Now, we've always known that our daughter will probably grow up to enjoy a good cup of coffee every once in a while. The only thing is that we NEVER thought it would be this early in life!!! :)

Last Friday night we walked downtown to go to City Prayz. It was pretty cool so we bundled Bella up and she was so cute! We stopped at the farmer's market on the way downtown which was really nice (I think it was the last one for the season). And when we got home Bella looked so cute I couldn't help but take a picture:

Yesterday I got to watch our best friend's little boy, Eli. Eli and Bella had a wonderful day getting to play with each other. Sometimes it's so hard to get a good picture of Bella because when she sees the camera all she wants to do is grab it! This is the best I could do that day!

Bella has a drawer all to herself in the kitchen so she can play with stuff while I'm cooking or doing the dishes. She loves playing with big people things. Within the last 2 weeks she has started to take everything out of the drawer and then crawl into it and play. Now, this would just be a cute thing she does...

except for the fact that I did the SAME thing when I was a little girl! It must run in the family!!

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