
So Big

It's been almost a month since I last made a post...so I've got lots of pictures and a new video that I just took today.

We are all doing well. Adam got a job teaching PE at Coulee Region Christian School in West Salem. He is very excited for it, and I am so happy for him to. So, that means we will be staying in La Crosse! We are going to be moving into a different apartment though. We want to find one on a lower level and also one that's a little safer for Bella once she starts walking. (which we think might be sooner than later!) Actually, as I'm typing we just found out that we were approved for a townhouse closer to downtown! Exciting!!!

Since I already get to stay home with Bella, I am going to start watching a couple of other kids during the day too. Bella would LOVE it, and it would be nice for me too! If I do this I wouldn't even have to work at Grizzly's anymore. I do like it there, but it would be nice to get to stay home too!

So, here are all the pictures!

These pictures are from two weekends ago. We went to Madison to visit our nephew for his 1st birthday and also got to see the rest of the family! We had such a great time. This is Bella and Oliver trying to get the camera.

Grandma Kathy has the grandkids totally into the book she's reading! Nice work grandma!

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that when entertaining babies nothing holds their attention for very long!

This is Grandma helping Bella clap her hands. Since this photo she has gotten so good at clapping and even loves to clap our hands for us!

Bella got to spend some quality time with all four of the Zastrow men!! Here's Uncle Ethan.

Some time with Grandpa!!

Of course Daddy! (she was making such silly faces for the camera that day!)

And Uncle Ben too!

Here's one of those silly faces I was talking about.

At home in the morning while I get ready, I either put Bella in her exersaucer or I get out her bathtub and she loves to play around in it! This morning she was all about sitting in her bathtub.

Here is a sample of what our house looks like at any given time during the day. Bella has taken to making huge messes on the floor of every room that she enters into. I think I pick up after her at least 5 times a day!

Too bad we didn't find this bandana until after the 4th of July!! I put it on her head anyway and we just had to take a picture! I'm not sure what this says more..."Happy 4th of July" or "Where's my Harley?"!!

Bella has also PERFECTED her sad pouty face.

Exhibit A:

There has been lots of playing around in a diaper for Bella this week because it's been pretty hot. Here's the little lady helping me out with the dishes. It's about time she started doing some chores around the house!!! :)

She still loves playing with all the mirrors in the house. Now she not only likes to look at herself in them, she also likes to open and close the doors that the mirrors are attached to. Really any door in the house she likes to do that with (no fun, but we've already had some pinched fingers).

I took this picture this morning after I followed her around with the camera for awhile. Her face looks like she is thinking "not another picture mom"!!

And she was, so she crawled right for the camera and tried to grab it. This is what most of my pictures are like lately. Good thing it's digital so I can just delete and try again!

And last but not least. A movie that I also recorded today. This is Bella's music table and she loves playing with it. She has begun to figure out the cause and effect of the different parts, so it's fun to watch her play. I couldn't have asked for her to be in a better mood while I was recording this video. She stopped to wave at the camera and talk a few times, it's so perfect!! Hope you all enjoy!

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